So, you might remember that last week I threw down the gauntlet, and invited you answer the question that Team Biscuit had been unable to answer at the pub quiz. You might also remember that I offered a prize to the funniest response.
After Mark Radcliffe and Stuart Maconie featuring the joke on their Radio 2 show last week, and started using it in their nightly trailers, I was overwhelmed with both of your entries. Ha ha!
The question ...
Who is the coolest guy in the hospital?
The gorgeous Baglady suggested that it was the ice surgeon. Ice-surgeon, icesurgeon, eye surgeon. Gettit? I have to give her a big pat on the back because I believe that's the answer gave, and we thought it was funny enough to earn a point. Our question master, alas, disagreed. But I still think it's quite good.
The fabulous Ally over at Today Is My Birthday thought that the coolest guy in the hospital was the one in the morgue. Factually, I believe that she is correct, and whilst it mightn't be in the best taste, I did snort Coke out of my nose when I read it, so it goes to show that some times, tastelessness gets the laugh.
So, eeny meeny miney mo ... Well, I'm torn. But I'm seeing Badlady in the flesh (can you believe?!) on Wednesday, and I'm sure that, if I ply her with champagne, she will understand why I am declaring Ally the winner! Hoorah! Now I just need to buy a prize ...
Oh, and the real answer?
Who is the coolest guy in the hospital?
The ultra-sound guy!
And who takes over when he's on holiday?
The hip replacement guy!
Thanks very much folks! I'll be here all week!!
2 months ago
Congrats to Ally. Champers all round!