This is a big weekend in my little world. This is the first of two Wandsworth Artists Open House weekends.
200 artists and crafty sorts from the borough are throwing open their doors to welcome in ... well, anyone, actually, to meet them, see their work, maybe buy a little something (hint hint, hint), and I'm one of them! I'm really excited about it!
I'm really looking forward to showing off my jewellery and I've made some new stuff especially for the event. (Although some might end up back in my jewellery box ...) I'm joining forces with my friend, the lovely Gillian of Fabric Nation who makes fabulous vintage fabric goodies, as well as Amelia, a local artist, and Mandy who works with glass. Something for everyone!
So if you're local (or even if you're not) and you fancy coming along, click on the link below and print off a copy of our local trail. (I'm at no. 70 on the map). There's even a chance to collect points on your way around, and you know what points mean ...!
I'm going to cut this short because I've still got about a hundred things to do before bed time, and those necklaces won't make themselves you know! Almost certainly no post tomorrow, but I'll be back on Sunday and let you know how it's gone (and tell you about the inevitably weird people I'm sure these events attract!)
2 months ago
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