Tuesday 17 November 2009

I Should Have Been A Stripper

Well THAT got your attention!

Folks, today you find me in a very warm and fuzzy mood, for I have been given ... an award! Yes, me! L'il ol' me. Who'd have thought it?

The too gorgeous for words Baglady has given me the "I Shoulda Been A Stripper" Award. Frankly, you can keep your Bafta, your Oscar, and your Emmy. This is where it's at!

So, there's rules to this 'ere award.

a) Post the award.

Done. Here it is. Look!

b) List seven personality traits, as evidenced on your blog.

1) A stickler. I can't bear bad grammar. It bugs me.

2) Mild paranoia. I live in the knowledge that, for all I am a stickler, you read this, circling my grammatical errors. I know they're out there. I can hear them laughing at me ...

3) Independence. Probably to a fault. I'm kind of used to doing my own thing, so I just do. But that sometimes means that, when I have to incorporate someone else into what I'm doing, I fail.

4) Creative. I'm a bit artsy. I make stuff and decorate stuff and then I pack it in pretty paper. I do love to make things that have no function but to look good. I'm currently making a bunch of beaded carrots. Well ... why not?!

5) Sweet tooth. If it's dipped in chocolate, I like it. If it's got a sugary shell, it's mine. I'll wrestle a child to the floor for a jelly sweet. I am, and will ever be, grateful that I'm not diabetic.

6) Nosey. I love to people watch. There are places in the world where I could happily sit for hours and just stare. If someone next to me has a book or a newspaper or a magazine, I have to read it over their shoulder. If someone is sending a text, I read that too. I am filled with glee when I walk past a house which has lights on and curtains open. I am too beaky by half!

7) Smutty. I am a firm believer in bum jokes being the funniest. There is nothing like a good drop of innuendo, or a double entendre. I do like to be able to waggle my eyebrows whilst saying "ooh err missus" (or similar). And who doesn't think that a bit of a cheeky fart is hilarious? *chortle chortle*

c) Give the award to seven others of notable personality and let them know.

Well this is tricky. Like Baglady, I'm aware that some people won't do it. She has also, curse her, sent it to two of the people I would have sent it to myself. Rats! So I'm cheating on this front, and sending it only to five.

The fabulous Amelia at 101 Bird Tales

The gorgeous Gillian at Fabric Nation

The very sophisticated Millennium Housewife

The currently glowing Molly at Oh For The Love Of Blog

And last, but by no means least, a blog I am quite new to, but am very much enjoying, the domestic goddess, Becky, at Teacups, Cupcakes

So there we have it! My very first (possibly my last) prize. Thanks Baglady, you lovely lady, you. I'm more chuffed (chufter?) than I can say.


  1. Thanks L - have just done a raaaambling post on it all as it fired such thought processes in me that I find myself still awake at 1am - what is going on?!

    PS. the Samuel Johnson is closer for a bit of shouting outside xx

  2. But I WAS a stripper. I've got much better photos for that award if you're interested?
    Thankyou so much TT, I'm very honoured, and it'll be worn with pride. I am rubbish at the list things but if I can find a way to do it in a Millennium Housewife stylee I'll give it a shot. Off to polish my award xx

  3. Hi- fellow Tooting-Dweller....I've just been looking at your post as the lovely Amelia at www.101birdtales.blogspot.co.uk has just awarded it to me, so thankyou for setting that in motion!


Toot me